Epameinondas Antonakos bio photo

Epameinondas Antonakos

Manager of Computer Vision at Robotics AI, Amazon in Berlin.

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I am a co-founder and main developer of the Menpo Project, the only existing open source platform for deformable modelling.

In the past, I had also implemented a GUI Matlab toolbox for training and fitting Active Appearance Models, face detection, skin detection, deformable tracking and facial events detection.

The Menpo Project Face Modelling GUI Matlab Toolbox

Software maintained by others

Mnemonic Descent Method (MDM), published in CVPR’16, is developed and maintained by George Trigeorgis.
DenseReg, published in CVPR’17, is developed and maintained by Rıza Alp Güler.
3D Morphable Model In-the-Wild, published in CVPR’18 and T-PAMI, is developed and maintained by James Booth and Anastasios Roussos.

MDM DenseReg